Listening to, recording & making music with the sounds around you.

EarBytes #12: Commuter Counterpoint

The middle of Catalunya metro interchange around 8.30am. Commuters hurring across the circular space towards one of the five or six exits create a phasing heel-click counterpoint. I particularly like the higher, 'off-beat' steps towards the end of the recording.

EarBytes #11: Sustainable Transport Medley

A cross-connection of sustainable transport. An electric tram floats off from its station whilst city cyclists disturb loose paving slabs nearby.

EarBytes #8-9-10: A Night Out With Ale

A triptych of recordings from a night out in Barcelona's hidden corners, accompanied by Alessandro di Pauli.

#8: 'La Marsella' absinthe bar was historically frequented by Picasso & Hemingway amongst others. Here, Ale and I talk over the top of each other whilst simultaneously explaining to two separate people how the portable recorder works...

#9: Moog Club. I leave Ale whooping to Aretha upstairs, absinthe-aided trip into the same guy for the third time on the stairs, and take in the club's main fodder - techno, on its wonderfully EQ'd sound system.

#10: 5am. We leave Moog. I repeat myself, Ale says something totally unconnected by way of reply, and a guy offers us samosas.

EarBytes #8-9-10: A Night Out With Ale by If Walls Had Ears

EarBytes #7: Morning Meditation

Unlike the city Metro, commuters using the FGC over-ground railway to commute to work from the surrounding hills around Barcelona have a much quieter, contemplative ride to work, in near silence... ruptured only by the door-closing warning signal. Recording taken at 8am on a wet, cold working-day morning this March.

EarBytes #6: Park Ping Pong

Nothing says Barcelona like a outdoor game of Table Tennis on one of the public tables... I particularly like the overhit-drop-laugh sequence near the beginning of this recording.

EarBytes #5: Jazz Spoons

Robadors 23 is a well kept secret of a bar, found on the backstreets of Raval. Getting there involves winding your way between prostitutes & drug dealers, but well worth the effort for the live sessions found inside.

At the gig, the ears filter the extraneous sounds to concentrate on the music. This recording highlights the public accompaniment, particularly the weird guy on the stairs next to me playing out-of-time-spoons and pulling comedy 'I dig jazz' faces.

EarBytes #5: Jazz Spoons by If Walls Had Ears

EarBytes #4: Church Organ Sound Collage

Organ being played in one of Barcelona's most impressive and resonant Gothic churches. The passing public, whilst attempting to be quiet, add to the soundscape with jangling coins, rustling bags and whispering... which to my ears make the overall 'piece' all the more rich.

EarBytes #3: Menagerie

Parc de la Ciutadella in early evening. Amazing number of different bird calls, including wild parakeets in the park itself plus a selection of exotic creatures from across the other side of the wall in the Zoo. Here the surrounding traffic noise is filtered to enjoy the birds in all their glory.

EarBytes #2: MACBA Reversed

Normally, sitting in front of Barcelona's contemporary art centre the MACBA (which is also the day-time home of the Sonar festival), my eyes ands thoughts cannot be distracted from the array of skaters criss-crossing around the square.

In this recording, the ears reverse the image, with skaters providing a backdrop to a fairly foul-mouthed conversation between a bunch of omnipresent drunks, which would normally have totally passed me by...

Earbytes #2: MACBA Reversed by If Walls Had Ears

Ear Bytes #1: Two Types Of Sea

Every day in June, we will be presenting a short snippet of one of our field recordings to build up a sound-map of the city of Barcelona... You can also keep up with the action with our Facebook page and via Twitter. Keep your eyes and ears peeled!

EARBYTES #1: Two Types Of Sea
Barcelona coastline at sunset. The sea rushes on left-hand side, whilst bubbles in a sheltered inlet on the right (including a great gurgle at the beginning of the recording!) Plane passing overhead and kids playing behind are a reminder that this is the city, not a retreat...